The Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development of the University of Mataram (LPMPP) Unram held a collaboration with the University of Mataram Hindu Religious College (STAH). Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 10.00 am, with an agenda of cooperation in the field of quality assurance and educational development. The visit carried out by LPMPP Secretary Dr. Nasmi Herlina Sari, Quality Assurance Coordinator Dr. Sitti Latifa, Education Development Coordinator Dr. Lalu Muhaimi was welcomed openly by Vice Chair III, head of the quality assurance center (Wayan Satya Widari) and head of P3M and head of STAHN. Discussions were held with regard to cooperation that would be carried out together through various trainings conducted by LPMPP Unram. The desire of the Vice Chairman III of STAHN to immediately follow up on the collaboration between LPMPP Unram and P2M STAHN in developing an online learning system was welcomed by Dr. Nasmi Herlina Sari. The Secretary of LPMPP unram stated that LPMPP unram has 40 Mentors who have the ability in SPADA and are ready to assist STAHN in the future in SPADA Training.