Thursday, 10/9/2020. LPMPP Unram held a cooperation visit to LPMP NTB Province. This visit was represented by the head of LPMPP Unram, secretary, quality assurance coordinator, head of the head office and sub division. The arrival of the LPMPP Unram Team was well received by the Head of the Provincial LPMP (Mr. Minhajul Ngabidin, S.Pd, M.Si) Coordinator of Education Unit Development, IT coordinator and staff of the NTB provincial LPMP. The Head of LPMPP Unram, Dr. Lestari Ujianto, stated that this visit was the first step to collaborate between activities at LPMPP Unram and the same provincial LPMP. This expectation was welcomed by stating that they would begin to consider collaborating with unram in the context of implementing activities through training and exchanging resource persons for training that would be carried out by the provincial LPMP.