The Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development of the University of Mataram held a coordination meeting to discuss the development of mataram university accreditation in the LPMPP main room on Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 08.00 Wita – finished. the meeting was attended by the Head of LPMPP, Secretary, Quality Assurance Office, Education Development Coordinator and other guests. Rector of Unram. The Rector of the University of Mataram Prof. H. Lalu Husni really hopes that each study program accreditation and mataram university will get superior scores. He added that he expected 23 study programs to be accredited superior or A. The Head of LPMPP Institution, Dr. Lestari Ujianto, explained the problems that caused the study program to not want to apply for reaccreditation, one of which was the Minister’s policy related to the automatic extension of study program accreditation and the unpreparedness of documents for filling in 9 criteria that were felt to be heavy. Some opinions and input from Internal Assessors such as Prof. Mansur Mansur, Prof. Suhubdy, Prof. Galang, Prof. Adji, Prof. Hanafi and Mr. Junaidi Sagir, stated that the importance of leadership commitment related to accreditation, and financial support for accreditation from each study program and university. The Rector of Unram and the leadership of Unram stated that they are ready to commit to supporting and improving the quality culture at Unram.