Mataram –  The Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development has held a workshop on efforts to improve the quality of accreditation of study programs and institutions at Mataram University. The workshop was attended by 130 participants and held online. This workshop began in the morning, Monday (8/12/2020).

In this workshop as an opener was presented by the Rector of the University of Mataram Prof. Dr. Lalu Husni, SH, M.hum, as an introduction to the Chairperson of the Unram Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development (LPMPP) Dr. Ir. Lestari Ujianto, M.Sc, Resource Person 1 Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (WR I) Unram Agusdin, SE.., MBA, DBA, for Speaker 2 Chairperson of LPPMP Universitas Sebelas Maret Prof. Dr. Sarwiji Suwandi, M.Pd, and as moderator Secretary of the Institute for Quality Assurance and Education Development (LPMPP) Dr. Nasmi Herlina Sari, ST, MT.

The presentation presented by the speakers related to efforts to improve the quality of accreditation of mataram university study programs and institutions, namely:

Speaker 1 Mr. Agusdin, SE, MBA, DBA “efforts to develop unram accreditation”:

  1. Implementing the Socialization of the Study Program Accreditation Instrument (IAPS 4.0) with 9 criteria
  2. Carrying out Technical Guidance on Filling out the Study Program Performance Report (LKPS) and Self Evaluation Report (LED)
  3. Implementing the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI)
  4. Coordinating with the Quality Assurance Cluster and the Faculty / Study Program Accreditation Team
  5. Conduct Internal Quality Audit (AMI) with the scope of fulfillment of 9 accreditation criteria
  6. Form the Unram Accreditation Team and Conduct Workshops for the Development of Unram Accreditation
  7. Develop Information Technology-based SPMI and SPME.

Speaker 2 Mr. Prof. Dr. Sarwiji Suwandi, M.Pd “BUILDING A CULTURE OF QUALITY”:

  1. Relevant program activities with the institution’s vision, RPJP, RPJM
  2. Conduct periodic self-evaluation
  3. Seeking views from external parties
  4. Creating a better academic ecosystem.