Mataram –The Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development (LPMPP) of Mataram University has attended the reviewer team meeting in the process of assessing and determining the winner of the pkkm grant proposal selection program at the unram level. This meeting was held on Monday (11/28/2020) at 13.30 WITA.

The directors of this meeting are :

Prof. Dr. Lalu Husni, SH., M.Hum. (Rector of the University of Mataram)

Responsible person :

  1. Agusdin, SE., MBA., DBA (Wakil Rektor 1)
  2. Dr. Ir. Lestari Ujianto, M.Sc. (Ketua LPMPP)
  3. Prof. Dr. Nasmi Herlina Sari, ST., MT. (sekretaris LPMPP)

Coordinator :

Prof Ir. Budi Indarsih, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D.

Member :

  1. Dr. Gunawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
  2. Dr. Sitti Latifah, S.hut., M.Sc.F.
  3. Dr. Lalu Muhaimi, M.Pd.
  4. Dr. Muhammad Sood, SH., M.H.
  5. Dr. Saipul Arni Muhsyaf, SE., MM.