Mataram – The Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development of the University of Mataram has held a Farewell After Position of Mr. Muhammad Zain, S.H. (Head of Data and Information Section) as well as the Transfer of Mrs. Hj. Nirmala, S.E., MM. (Head of Administration) and Handover of the new Head of Administration (KTU) namely Mr. Musanip, S.Si., M.Repro.

The activity was attended by the new Chairperson, Secretary, KTU and all LPMPP staff of Mataram University which was held at Lesehan Dapoer Sasak Udayana Friday, January 8th, 2021.

In this activity as a welcoming or opening speech delivered by the Head of LPMPP Mataram University Dr. Ir. Lestari Ujianto, M.Sc.