Mataram – Wednesday (11/01/23) The Institute for Quality Assurance and Education Development at the University of Mataram held a meeting today regarding the coordination of the Quality Assurance Group’s Task Functions at the University of Mataram, which was opened by Prof. Dr. Nasmi Herlina Sari, ST., MT Chairperson of LPMPP Unram conveyed the GPM/UPM Working Mechanism, one of which is the quality assurance system in tertiary institutions regulated by Permenristekdikti number 62 of 2016. In this regulation, the Internal Quality Assurance System cycle in tertiary institutions consists of 6 stages, namely Determination, Implementation, Evaluation, Control, and Improvement or abbreviated as PPEPP and other matters such as 1) Determination is an activity of setting standards for standards set by tertiary institutions; 2) Implementation is an activity carried out in the framework of fulfilling standards; 3) Evaluation is an activity to compare the outcome of the implementation with the standard; 4) Control is an analysis of the causes of non-achievement and/or deviations from the implementation of standards for corrective/improvement actions; 6) Improvement is an activity to improve standard or add standard.