Mataram – (5/12/2022) The Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development (LPMPP) of the University of Mataram held a meeting on Monday to discuss the preparation of a work plan and schedule for preparing the Conversion Supplement Instrument (ISK). The ISK meeting that took place was opened by the head of LPMPP Unram, in his remarks the head of LPMPP conveyed how to stabilize the drafting team starting from preparation to uploading documents. In addition to conveying how to stabilize the drafting team, there are several components that must be met such as the number of permanent lecturers, non-permanent lecturers, quality assurance systems, quality assurance cycles, mechanisms, and scientific publications, in the components mentioned earlier there are 3 major components namely Lecturers, quality assurance systems, and scientific publications. The Head of LPMPP also hopes that the ISK preparation team can work together for the sake of Mataram University.
