Mataram – Tuesday (9/3/21) Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development at the University of Mataram held a meeting of leaders and staff meetings of LPMPP Unram. This meeting was held in the meeting room on the 2nd floor of the LPMPP building which started at 09.00 and 13.30 WITA.

In the Leadership Meeting, the Head of LPMPP Unram, Dr. Ir. Lestari Ujianto, M.Sc, conveyed the program objectives, one of which was to improve the quality of higher education graduates with indicators: 1. Percentage of S1 and Diploma Program graduates who successfully get a job, continue their studies, or become self-employed with sufficient income, 2. percentage of S1 and D4 / D3 / D2 graduates who spend at least 20 credits off campus or achieve at least national level achievements.

And in the staff meeting, Kabag. Mr. Musanip, S.Si., M.Repro conveyed the agenda in the meeting, namely: 1. Strengthening the Tupoksi of each staff, 2. Coordinating the LPMPP Unram activity program in 2021.