Mataram – (20/12/22) Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development at the University of Mataram on Tuesday held a workshop related to management review, this workshop was attended by 130 participants namely the Chairperson of LPMPP, Secretary of LPMPP, 4 LPMPP coordinators, vice chancellor for academics, Ka. Bureau, deputy dean for academic affairs and deputy dean for general & financial affairs for each faculty, deputy director of postgraduate academics, deputy director of vocational academic affairs, head of KUI, Head of Faculty Administration Unit, head of Faculty quality assurance group, and Head of Faculty departments at the University of Mataram.

This workshop was opened by the chairman of LPMPP Prof. Dr. Nasmi Herlina Sari, ST., MT in her opening remarks she conveyed the progress of UNRAM’s self-evaluation towards PTNBH, besides that the Chairperson of LPMPP said that LPMPP had implemented the 2022 AMI by taking the curriculum scope, the 2022 AMI involved 19 auditors and 9 lead auditors to follow up on the findings The 2022 AMI LPMPP is holding a management review meeting as evidence of a follow-up to the 2022 AMI activities. In this workshop activity, groups have also been made to discuss management reviews, there are 10 groups which have been divided into each group having a topic. Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Mataram Mr. Agusdin, SE., MBA., DBA he was present to close the event as well as to express his gratitude for his term of office which had ended.