Mataram – (7/12/22) The meeting which was held on Wednesday was held in the building of the Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development at the University of Mataram, meeting room II Floor II, in this meeting discussed the preparation of an academic guideline workshop for discussion of the assessment components in the academic guideline. Some things that need attention/addition to the academic guidelines are student exchange, student services with disabilities, new student admission system for foreign and disabled students, UNRAM entry requirements for foreign students and students with disabilities, fast track arrangements, student complaint mechanisms, provisions regarding SKPI (compulsory for international accreditation), the assessment system follows the assessment system in IKU-7, the conversion/recognition assessment system of forms of learning activities outside of tertiary institutions, whether to still use groupings such as MPB, MKK, and so on, and the use of terms U1, U2, U3 should use K1, K2, K3.