Mataram – Rector of Universitas Mataram (Unram) Prof. Dr. Lalu Husni, SH, M.Hum has inaugurated three permanent professors of Unram offline in the Senate Session room of the Unram Rectorate building and online via Youtube channel of Universitas Mataram, Wednesday (2/12).


The three inaugurated professors are Prof. Dr. Kurniawan, SH, M.Hum as Professor of Business Law at the Faculty of Law (FH), Prof. Sulhaini, SE, M.Sc, Ph.D as Professor of Management Science at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), and Prof. Dr. Arifuddin, M.Pd as Professor of English Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP).


The Rector of Unram said that the position of professor has a great responsibility because it is the spearhead for conducting research and innovation. She also encouraged that every professor can produce one new professor through the professor acceleration research scheme that Unram has provided.